User Documentation for MADlib
matrix_ops.sql_in File Reference

Implementation of matrix operations in SQL. More...


text matrix_info (text message)
text matrix_info ()
matrix_result matrix_mult (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Multiplies two matrices. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column index. More...
matrix_result matrix_mult (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_mult (text message)
text matrix_mult ()
integer [] matrix_ndims (text matrix_in, text in_args, boolean is_block)
 get the ndims of a matrix in an array format More...
integer [] matrix_ndims (text matrix_in, text in_args)
text matrix_ndims (text message)
text matrix_ndims ()
matrix_result matrix_add (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Adds two matrices. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column index. More...
matrix_result matrix_add (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_add (text message)
text matrix_add ()
matrix_result matrix_sub (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Subs two matrices. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column id. More...
matrix_result matrix_sub (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_sub (text message)
text matrix_sub ()
float8 [] matrix_extract_row (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer index)
 Extract row from matrix given row index. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense or sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by row id for dense and by the row and column id for sparse. More...
text matrix_extract_row (text message)
text matrix_extract_row ()
float8 [] matrix_extract_col (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer index)
 Extract column from matrix given column index. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense or sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by row id for dense and by the row and column id for sparse. More...
text matrix_extract_col (text message)
text matrix_extract_col ()
matrix_result matrix_zeros (integer row_dim, integer col_dim, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Initializes matrix with zeros. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. More...
matrix_result matrix_zeros (integer row_dim, integer col_dim, text matrix_out)
text matrix_zeros (text message)
text matrix_zeros ()
matrix_result matrix_max (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer dim, text matrix_out, boolean fetch_index)
 Get max value along dimension from matrix. Also returns corresponding index if set fetch_index. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense or sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by row id for dense and by the row and column id for sparse. More...
matrix_result matrix_max (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer dim, text matrix_out)
text matrix_max (text message)
text matrix_max ()
matrix_result matrix_min (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer dim, text matrix_out, boolean fetch_index)
 Get min value along dimension from matrix. Also returns corresponding index if set fetch_index. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense or sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by row id for dense and by the row and column id for sparse. More...
matrix_result matrix_min (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer dim, text matrix_out)
text matrix_min (text message)
text matrix_min ()
float8 [] matrix_sum (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer dim)
 Calculate sum along dimension for matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column id. More...
float8 [] matrix_sum (text matrix_in, text in_args)
text matrix_sum (text message)
text matrix_sum ()
float8 [] matrix_mean (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer dim)
 Calculate mean along dimension for matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column id. More...
float8 [] matrix_mean (text matrix_in, text in_args)
text matrix_mean (text message)
text matrix_mean ()
matrix_result matrix_scalar_mult (text matrix_in, text in_args, float8 scalar, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Multiplies one matrix with scalar. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column id. More...
matrix_result matrix_scalar_mult (text matrix_in, text in_args, float8 scalar, text matrix_out)
text matrix_scalar_mult (text message)
text matrix_scalar_mult ()
float8 [] matrix_vec_mult (text matrix_in, text in_args, float8[] vector)
 Multiplies one matrix with vector. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column id. More...
text matrix_vec_mult (text message)
text matrix_vec_mult ()
matrix_result matrix_elem_mult (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Multiplies two matrices by element. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column id. More...
matrix_result matrix_elem_mult (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_elem_mult (text message)
text matrix_elem_mult ()
matrix_result matrix_trans (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Transpose matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column index. More...
matrix_result matrix_trans (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_trans (text message)
text matrix_trans ()
matrix_result matrix_sparsify (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Converts matrix to sparse representation. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column index. More...
matrix_result matrix_sparsify (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_sparsify (text message)
text matrix_sparsify ()
matrix_result matrix_densify (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Converts matrix to dense representation. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_densify (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_densify (text message)
text matrix_densify ()
void matrix_scale_and_add (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, float8 scale, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Scale and add matrix operation ( R <- A + sB) More...
void matrix_scale_and_add (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, float8 scale, text matrix_out)
float8 matrix_norm (text matrix_in, text in_args, text norm_type)
 Compute matrix norm (of various types) More...
float8 matrix_norm (text matrix_in, text in_args)
text matrix_norm (text message)
text matrix_norm ()
matrix_result matrix_block_mult (text matrix_a, text a_args, text matrix_b, text b_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
matrix_result matrix_block_square (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
matrix_result matrix_block_trans (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
matrix_result matrix_square (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Calculate square of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_square (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
matrix_result matrix_diag (float8[] diag_elements, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Create a diagonal matrix with a specified vector on the main diagonal. It always creates the sparse representation of the diagonal matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column index. More...
matrix_result matrix_diag (float8[] diag_elements, text matrix_out)
text matrix_diag (text message)
text matrix_diag ()
float [] matrix_extract_diag (text matrix_in, text in_args)
 main diagonal matrix. It requires that all the matrix must be the square matrix. This is the sparse representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row and column index. More...
text matrix_extract_diag (text message)
text matrix_extract_diag ()
matrix_result matrix_identity (integer row_dim, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Create an identity matrix with the dimensionality specified by an integer. It can specify the sparse or dense representation of the result matrix. More...
matrix_result matrix_identity (integer row_dim, text matrix_out)
text matrix_identity (text message)
text matrix_identity ()
matrix_result matrix_random (integer row_dim, integer col_dim, text in_args, text distribution, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Initializes matrix with random distribution. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. More...
matrix_result matrix_random (integer row_id, integer col_id, text distribution, text matrix_out)
matrix_result matrix_random (integer row_id, integer col_id, text matrix_out)
matrix_result matrix_ones (integer row_dim, integer col_dim, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Initializes matrix with ones. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. More...
matrix_result matrix_ones (integer row_id, integer col_id, text matrix_out)
text matrix_ones (text message)
text matrix_ones ()
matrix_result matrix_inverse (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Calculate inverse of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_inverse (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_inverse (text message)
text matrix_inverse ()
matrix_result matrix_pinv (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Calculate generalized inverse of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_pinv (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_pinv (text message)
text matrix_pinv ()
matrix_result matrix_lu (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out_prefix, text out_args)
 Calculate full pivoting LU decomposition of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_lu (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out_prefix)
text matrix_lu (text message)
text matrix_lu ()
matrix_result matrix_eigen (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
 Calculate eigen values of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. More...
matrix_result matrix_eigen (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out)
text matrix_eigen (text message)
text matrix_eigen ()
matrix_result matrix_cholesky (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out_prefix, text out_args)
 Cholesky decompose of matrix. Because it is required that input matrix should be symmetric, it is only the lower triangular part that will be used for the decompositon. The upper triangular part won't be read. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_cholesky (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out_prefix)
text matrix_cholesky (text message)
text matrix_cholesky ()
matrix_result matrix_qr (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out_prefix, text out_args)
 QR decompose of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
matrix_result matrix_qr (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out_prefix)
text matrix_qr (text message)
text matrix_qr ()
int8 matrix_rank (text matrix_in, text in_args)
 rank of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
text matrix_rank (text message)
text matrix_rank ()
float8 matrix_nuclear_norm (text matrix_in, text in_args)
 nuclear norm of matrix. It requires that all the values are NON-NULL. This is the dense representation of the matrix where the matrix elements are indexed by the row index. More...
text matrix_nuclear_norm (text message)
text matrix_nuclear_norm ()
float8 [] __matrix_vec_mult_in_mem (float8[] vector, float8[][] matrix)
float8 [] __matrix_vec_mult_in_mem (float8[] vector, float8[] matrix)
float8 [] __row_fold (float8[] row_in, integer[] pattern)
 The function folds (through multiplication) array x according to the pattern in array y, producing an array of the same length as array y. More...
float8 [] __bernoulli_vector (integer dim, float8 pos_val, float8 neg_val, float8 prob, integer seed)
float8 [] __bernoulli_vector (integer dim)
float8 [] __uniform_vector (integer dim, float8 a, float8 b, integer seed)
float8 [] __uniform_vector (integer dim, float8 a, float8 b)
float8 [] __normal_vector (integer dim, float8 mu, float8 sigma, integer seed)
float8 [] __normal_vector (integer dim, float8 mu, float8 sigma)
integer [] __rand_vector (integer dim)
integer [] __rand_block (integer row_dim, integer col_dim)
integer [] __rand_block (integer dim)
set< float8[]> __matrix_row_split (float8[] row_in, integer size)
float8 [] __matrix_densify_sfunc (float8[] state, integer col_dim, integer col_id, float8 val)
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_densify_agg (integer, integer, float8)
anyarray __array_abs_add_sfunc (anyarray x, anyarray y)
aggregate anyarray __matrix_column_abs_sum_agg (anyarray)
float8 [] __matrix_blockize_sfunc (float8[] state, integer row_id, float8[] row_vec, integer rsize)
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_blockize_agg (integer, float8[], integer)
float8 [] __matrix_unblockize_sfunc (float8[] state, integer total_col_dim, integer col_id, float8[] row_vec)
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_unblockize_agg (integer, integer, float8[])
float8 [] matrix_mem_mult (float[] matrix_a, float[] matrix_b, boolean trans_b)
float8 [] matrix_mem_mult (float[] matrix_a, float[] matrix_b)
float8 [] matrix_mem_trans (float[] matrix)
float8 [] __matrix_mem_sum_sfunc (float[] state, float[] matrix)
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_mem_sum (float8[])
matrix_result __matrix_column_to_array_format (text matrix_in, text row_id, text matrix_out, boolean istemp)
matrix_result matrix_blockize (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer rsize, integer csize, text matrix_out, text out_args)
matrix_result matrix_blockize (text matrix_in, text in_args, integer rsize, integer csize, text matrix_out)
matrix_result matrix_unblockize (text matrix_in, text in_args, text matrix_out, text out_args)
set< float8[]> __matrix_unnest_block (float8[] block)
float8 [] __matrix_compose_dense_transition (float8[] state, integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
float8 [] __matrix_compose_sparse_transition (float8[] state, integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
float8 [] __matrix_compose_merge (float8[] stateleft, float8[] stateright)
float8 [] __matrix_inv_final (float8[] state)
float8 [] __matrix_pinv_final (float8[] state)
float8 [] __matrix_eigen_final (float8[] state)
float8 [] __matrix_cholesky_final (float8[] state)
float8 [] __matrix_qr_final (float8[] state)
int8 __matrix_rank_final (float8[] state)
float8 [] __matrix_lu_final (float8[] state)
float8 __matrix_nuclear_norm_final (float8[] state)
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_inverse (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Compute inverse of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_inverse (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Compute inverse of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_pinv (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Compute generalized inverse of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_pinv (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Compute generalized inverse of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_eigen (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Compute eigen values of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_eigen (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Compute inverse of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_cholesky (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Cholesky decompose of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_cholesky (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Cholesky decompose of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_qr (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 QR decompose of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_qr (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 QR decompose of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate int8 __matrix_dense_rank (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Compute rank of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate int8 __matrix_sparse_rank (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Compute rank of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_lu (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Compute full pivoting LU decomposition of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_lu (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Compute full pivoting LU decomposition of a sparse matrix. More...
aggregate float8 __matrix_dense_nuclear_norm (integer numrows, integer row_id, float8[] x)
 Compute nuclear norm of a dense matrix. More...
aggregate float8 __matrix_sparse_nuclear_norm (integer numrows, integer numcols, integer row_id, integer col_id, float8 x)
 Compute nuclear norm of a sparse matrix. More...

Detailed Description

April 2011

Function Documentation

◆ __array_abs_add_sfunc()

anyarray __array_abs_add_sfunc ( anyarray  x,
anyarray  y 

◆ __bernoulli_vector() [1/2]

float8 [] __bernoulli_vector ( integer  dim,
float8  pos_val,
float8  neg_val,
float8  prob,
integer  seed 

◆ __bernoulli_vector() [2/2]

float8 [] __bernoulli_vector ( integer  dim)

◆ __matrix_blockize_agg()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_blockize_agg ( integer  ,
float8  [],

◆ __matrix_blockize_sfunc()

float8 [] __matrix_blockize_sfunc ( float8 []  state,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  row_vec,
integer  rsize 

◆ __matrix_cholesky_final()

float8 [] __matrix_cholesky_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_column_abs_sum_agg()

aggregate anyarray __matrix_column_abs_sum_agg ( anyarray  )

◆ __matrix_column_to_array_format()

matrix_result __matrix_column_to_array_format ( text  matrix_in,
text  row_id,
text  matrix_out,
boolean  istemp 

◆ __matrix_compose_dense_transition()

float8 [] __matrix_compose_dense_transition ( float8 []  state,
integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_compose_merge()

float8 [] __matrix_compose_merge ( float8 []  stateleft,
float8 []  stateright 

◆ __matrix_compose_sparse_transition()

float8 [] __matrix_compose_sparse_transition ( float8 []  state,
integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_cholesky()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_cholesky ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_eigen()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_eigen ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_inverse()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_inverse ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_lu()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_lu ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_nuclear_norm()

aggregate float8 __matrix_dense_nuclear_norm ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_pinv()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_pinv ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_qr()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_dense_qr ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_dense_rank()

aggregate int8 __matrix_dense_rank ( integer  numrows,
integer  row_id,
float8 []  x 

◆ __matrix_densify_agg()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_densify_agg ( integer  ,
integer  ,

◆ __matrix_densify_sfunc()

float8 [] __matrix_densify_sfunc ( float8 []  state,
integer  col_dim,
integer  col_id,
float8  val 

◆ __matrix_eigen_final()

float8 [] __matrix_eigen_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_inv_final()

float8 [] __matrix_inv_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_lu_final()

float8 [] __matrix_lu_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_mem_sum()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_mem_sum ( float8  [])

◆ __matrix_mem_sum_sfunc()

float8 [] __matrix_mem_sum_sfunc ( float []  state,
float []  matrix 

◆ __matrix_nuclear_norm_final()

float8 __matrix_nuclear_norm_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_pinv_final()

float8 [] __matrix_pinv_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_qr_final()

float8 [] __matrix_qr_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_rank_final()

int8 __matrix_rank_final ( float8 []  state)

◆ __matrix_row_split()

set<float8[]> __matrix_row_split ( float8 []  row_in,
integer  size 

◆ __matrix_sparse_cholesky()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_cholesky ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_eigen()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_eigen ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_inverse()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_inverse ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_lu()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_lu ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_nuclear_norm()

aggregate float8 __matrix_sparse_nuclear_norm ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_pinv()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_pinv ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_qr()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_sparse_qr ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_sparse_rank()

aggregate int8 __matrix_sparse_rank ( integer  numrows,
integer  numcols,
integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
float8  x 

◆ __matrix_unblockize_agg()

aggregate float8 [] __matrix_unblockize_agg ( integer  ,
integer  ,
float8  [] 

◆ __matrix_unblockize_sfunc()

float8 [] __matrix_unblockize_sfunc ( float8 []  state,
integer  total_col_dim,
integer  col_id,
float8 []  row_vec 

◆ __matrix_unnest_block()

set<float8[]> __matrix_unnest_block ( float8 []  block)

◆ __matrix_vec_mult_in_mem() [1/2]

float8 [] __matrix_vec_mult_in_mem ( float8 []  vector,
float8  matrix[][] 

◆ __matrix_vec_mult_in_mem() [2/2]

float8 [] __matrix_vec_mult_in_mem ( float8 []  vector,
float8 []  matrix 

◆ __normal_vector() [1/2]

float8 [] __normal_vector ( integer  dim,
float8  mu,
float8  sigma,
integer  seed 

◆ __normal_vector() [2/2]

float8 [] __normal_vector ( integer  dim,
float8  mu,
float8  sigma 

◆ __rand_block() [1/2]

integer [] __rand_block ( integer  row_dim,
integer  col_dim 

◆ __rand_block() [2/2]

integer [] __rand_block ( integer  dim)

◆ __rand_vector()

integer [] __rand_vector ( integer  dim)

◆ __row_fold()

float8 [] __row_fold ( float8 []  row_in,
integer []  pattern 
rowArray x
patternArray y

◆ __uniform_vector() [1/2]

float8 [] __uniform_vector ( integer  dim,
float8  a,
float8  b,
integer  seed 

◆ __uniform_vector() [2/2]

float8 [] __uniform_vector ( integer  dim,
float8  a,
float8  b 

◆ matrix_add() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_add ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_aName of the table containing the first matrix
a_rowName of the column containing the row index for the first matrix
a_colName of the column containing the column index for the first matrix
a_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the first matrix
matrix_bName of the table containing the second matrix
b_rowName of the column containing the row index for the second matrix
b_colName of the column containing the column index for the second matrix
b_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the second matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_add() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_add ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_add() [3/4]

text matrix_add ( text  message)

◆ matrix_add() [4/4]

text matrix_add ( )

◆ matrix_block_mult()

matrix_result matrix_block_mult ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 

◆ matrix_block_square()

matrix_result matrix_block_square ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 

◆ matrix_block_trans()

matrix_result matrix_block_trans ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 

◆ matrix_blockize() [1/2]

matrix_result matrix_blockize ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  rsize,
integer  csize,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 

◆ matrix_blockize() [2/2]

matrix_result matrix_blockize ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  rsize,
integer  csize,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_cholesky() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_cholesky ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out_prefix,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_cholesky() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_cholesky ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out_prefix 

◆ matrix_cholesky() [3/4]

text matrix_cholesky ( text  message)

◆ matrix_cholesky() [4/4]

text matrix_cholesky ( )

◆ matrix_densify() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_densify ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
in_rowName of the column containing the row index for the input matrix
in_colName of the column containing the column index for the input matrix
in_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_densify() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_densify ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_densify() [3/4]

text matrix_densify ( text  message)

◆ matrix_densify() [4/4]

text matrix_densify ( )

◆ matrix_diag() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_diag ( float8 []  diag_elements,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
diag_elementsName of the array containing the diagonal elements. It requaires Not NULL, Not empty, Not containing NULL elements
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result diagonal matrix
Name of the table containing the result diagonal matrix

◆ matrix_diag() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_diag ( float8 []  diag_elements,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_diag() [3/4]

text matrix_diag ( text  message)

◆ matrix_diag() [4/4]

text matrix_diag ( )

◆ matrix_eigen() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_eigen ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_eigen() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_eigen ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_eigen() [3/4]

text matrix_eigen ( text  message)

◆ matrix_eigen() [4/4]

text matrix_eigen ( )

◆ matrix_elem_mult() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_elem_mult ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_aName of the table containing the first matrix
a_rowName of the column containing the row id for the first matrix
a_colName of the column containing the column id for the first matrix
a_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the first matrix
matrix_bName of the table containing the second matrix
b_rowName of the column containing the row id for the second matrix
b_colName of the column containing the column id for the second matrix
b_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the second matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_elem_mult() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_elem_mult ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_elem_mult() [3/4]

text matrix_elem_mult ( text  message)

◆ matrix_elem_mult() [4/4]

text matrix_elem_mult ( )

◆ matrix_extract_col() [1/3]

float8 [] matrix_extract_col ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  index 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsA string containing multiple named arguments of the form "name=value". This argument is used as a container for multiple parameters related to a single matrix.
indexColumn index for wanted.
Vector containing given column elements.

◆ matrix_extract_col() [2/3]

text matrix_extract_col ( text  message)

◆ matrix_extract_col() [3/3]

text matrix_extract_col ( )

◆ matrix_extract_diag() [1/3]

float [] matrix_extract_diag ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
in_rowName of the column containing the row index for the input matrix
in_colName of the column containing the column index for the input matrix
in_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the input matrix
use_temp_tableSpecify if use temp table for result
Array of main diagonal

◆ matrix_extract_diag() [2/3]

text matrix_extract_diag ( text  message)

◆ matrix_extract_diag() [3/3]

text matrix_extract_diag ( )

◆ matrix_extract_row() [1/3]

float8 [] matrix_extract_row ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  index 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsA string containing multiple named arguments of the form "name=value". This argument is used as a container for multiple parameters related to a single matrix.
indexRow index for wanted.
Vector containing given row elements.

◆ matrix_extract_row() [2/3]

text matrix_extract_row ( text  message)

◆ matrix_extract_row() [3/3]

text matrix_extract_row ( )

◆ matrix_identity() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_identity ( integer  row_dim,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
dimName of a integer specifing the dimensinality. It requaires Not NULL, dim > 0.
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result identity matrix
out_argsName-value pair string containing options for matrix_out
Name of the table containing the result identity matrix

◆ matrix_identity() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_identity ( integer  row_dim,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_identity() [3/4]

text matrix_identity ( text  message)

◆ matrix_identity() [4/4]

text matrix_identity ( )

◆ matrix_info() [1/2]

text matrix_info ( text  message)

◆ matrix_info() [2/2]

text matrix_info ( )

◆ matrix_inverse() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_inverse ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_inverse() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_inverse ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_inverse() [3/4]

text matrix_inverse ( text  message)

◆ matrix_inverse() [4/4]

text matrix_inverse ( )

◆ matrix_lu() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_lu ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out_prefix,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_pName of the table where to output the result p matrix
matrix_lName of the table where to output the result l matrix
matrix_uName of the table where to output the result u matrix
matrix_qName of the table where to output the result q matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_lu() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_lu ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out_prefix 

◆ matrix_lu() [3/4]

text matrix_lu ( text  message)

◆ matrix_lu() [4/4]

text matrix_lu ( )

◆ matrix_max() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_max ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  dim,
text  matrix_out,
boolean  fetch_index 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsA string containing multiple named arguments of the form "name=value". This argument is used as a container for multiple parameters related to a single matrix.
dimWhich dimension to collapse. 1 means row wise, and 2 means column wise
matrix_outResult matrix which contains one column: max, and another column: index if fetch_index is set. The type of column is array
fetch_indexTrue when want to get corresponding index of max value. Default is false

◆ matrix_max() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_max ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  dim,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_max() [3/4]

text matrix_max ( text  message)

◆ matrix_max() [4/4]

text matrix_max ( )

◆ matrix_mean() [1/4]

float8 [] matrix_mean ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  dim 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsName-value pair string containing options for matrix_in
dimWhich dimension to collapse. 1 means row wise, and 2 means column wise

◆ matrix_mean() [2/4]

float8 [] matrix_mean ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 

◆ matrix_mean() [3/4]

text matrix_mean ( text  message)

◆ matrix_mean() [4/4]

text matrix_mean ( )

◆ matrix_mem_mult() [1/2]

float8 [] matrix_mem_mult ( float []  matrix_a,
float []  matrix_b,
boolean  trans_b 

◆ matrix_mem_mult() [2/2]

float8 [] matrix_mem_mult ( float []  matrix_a,
float []  matrix_b 

◆ matrix_mem_trans()

float8 [] matrix_mem_trans ( float []  matrix)

◆ matrix_min() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_min ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  dim,
text  matrix_out,
boolean  fetch_index 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsA string containing multiple named arguments of the form "name=value". This argument is used as a container for multiple parameters related to a single matrix.
dimWhich dimension to collapse. 1 means row wise, and 2 means column wise
matrix_outResult matrix which contains one column: min, and another column: index if fetch_index is set. The type of column is array
fetch_indexTrue when want to get corresponding index of min value. Default is false

◆ matrix_min() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_min ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  dim,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_min() [3/4]

text matrix_min ( text  message)

◆ matrix_min() [4/4]

text matrix_min ( )

◆ matrix_mult() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_mult ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_aName of the table containing the first matrix
a_rowName of the column containing the row index for the first matrix
a_colName of the column containing the column index for the first matrix
a_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the first matrix
a_transBoolean to indicate if first matrix should be transposed before multiplication
matrix_bName of the table containing the second matrix
b_rowName of the column containing the row index for the second matrix
b_colName of the column containing the column index for the second matrix
b_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the second matrix
b_transBoolean to indicate if second matrix should be transposed before multiplication
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_mult() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_mult ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_mult() [3/4]

text matrix_mult ( text  message)

◆ matrix_mult() [4/4]

text matrix_mult ( )

◆ matrix_ndims() [1/4]

integer [] matrix_ndims ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
boolean  is_block 
matrixName of the table containing the input matrix
in_rowName of the column containing the row index for the input matrix
in_colName of the column containing the column index for the input matrix
in_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the input matrix
an array including row_dims and col_dims

◆ matrix_ndims() [2/4]

integer [] matrix_ndims ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 

◆ matrix_ndims() [3/4]

text matrix_ndims ( text  message)

◆ matrix_ndims() [4/4]

text matrix_ndims ( )

◆ matrix_norm() [1/4]

float8 matrix_norm ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  norm_type 
matrix_aSource matrix table (dense matrix format)
norm_typeType of norm used (default: fro)
Usage Currenty, we support the following norms
(a) 'fro': Computes the frobenius norm (b) 'one': Computes the one norm (c) 'inf': Computes the infinity norm (d) 'max': Computes the max norm (e) 'spec': Computes the spectral norm (f) '<positive float>="">': Computes the element-wise norm
SELECT matrix_norm('matrix_table_name', 'fro');

◆ matrix_norm() [2/4]

float8 matrix_norm ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 

◆ matrix_norm() [3/4]

text matrix_norm ( text  message)

◆ matrix_norm() [4/4]

text matrix_norm ( )

◆ matrix_nuclear_norm() [1/3]

float8 matrix_nuclear_norm ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_nuclear_norm() [2/3]

text matrix_nuclear_norm ( text  message)

◆ matrix_nuclear_norm() [3/3]

text matrix_nuclear_norm ( )

◆ matrix_ones() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_ones ( integer  row_dim,
integer  col_dim,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
row_dimName of the column containing the row index for the one matrix
col_dimName of the column containing the column index for the one matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_ones() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_ones ( integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_ones() [3/4]

text matrix_ones ( text  message)

◆ matrix_ones() [4/4]

text matrix_ones ( )

◆ matrix_pinv() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_pinv ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_pinv() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_pinv ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_pinv() [3/4]

text matrix_pinv ( text  message)

◆ matrix_pinv() [4/4]

text matrix_pinv ( )

◆ matrix_qr() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_qr ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out_prefix,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_qName of the table where to output the q matrix of QR decomposition
matrix_rName of the table where to output the r matrix of QR decomposition
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_qr() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_qr ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out_prefix 

◆ matrix_qr() [3/4]

text matrix_qr ( text  message)

◆ matrix_qr() [4/4]

text matrix_qr ( )

◆ matrix_random() [1/3]

matrix_result matrix_random ( integer  row_dim,
integer  col_dim,
text  in_args,
text  distribution,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
distributionName of the distribution to use (normal or uniform)
row_dimName of the column containing the row index for the one matrix
col_dimName of the column containing the column index for the one matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_random() [2/3]

matrix_result matrix_random ( integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
text  distribution,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_random() [3/3]

matrix_result matrix_random ( integer  row_id,
integer  col_id,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_rank() [1/3]

int8 matrix_rank ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_rank() [2/3]

text matrix_rank ( text  message)

◆ matrix_rank() [3/3]

text matrix_rank ( )

◆ matrix_scalar_mult() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_scalar_mult ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
float8  scalar,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsName-value pair string containing options for matrix_in
scalarScalar value used to be multiplied with matrix_in
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
out_argsName-value pair string containing options for matrix_in
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_scalar_mult() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_scalar_mult ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
float8  scalar,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_scalar_mult() [3/4]

text matrix_scalar_mult ( text  message)

◆ matrix_scalar_mult() [4/4]

text matrix_scalar_mult ( )

◆ matrix_scale_and_add() [1/2]

void matrix_scale_and_add ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
float8  scale,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_aSource matrix table A (dense matrix format)
matrix_bSource matrix table B (dense matrix format)
scaleScale for matrix B
matrix_outOutput table for matrix R <- A + sB
For matrix addition and subtration, you can use the same function with different values of scalar
SELECT matrix_scale_and_add('matrix_a', 'matrix_b', 1, 'matrix_out');
SELECT matrix_scale_and_add('matrix_a', 'matrix_b', -1, 'matrix_out');

◆ matrix_scale_and_add() [2/2]

void matrix_scale_and_add ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
float8  scale,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_sparsify() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_sparsify ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_sparsify() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_sparsify ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_sparsify() [3/4]

text matrix_sparsify ( text  message)

◆ matrix_sparsify() [4/4]

text matrix_sparsify ( )

◆ matrix_square() [1/2]

matrix_result matrix_square ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_square() [2/2]

matrix_result matrix_square ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_sub() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_sub ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_aName of the table containing the first matrix
a_rowName of the column containing the row id for the first matrix
a_colName of the column containing the column id for the first matrix
a_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the first matrix
matrix_bName of the table containing the second matrix
b_rowName of the column containing the row id for the second matrix
b_colName of the column containing the column id for the second matrix
b_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the second matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_sub() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_sub ( text  matrix_a,
text  a_args,
text  matrix_b,
text  b_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_sub() [3/4]

text matrix_sub ( text  message)

◆ matrix_sub() [4/4]

text matrix_sub ( )

◆ matrix_sum() [1/4]

float8 [] matrix_sum ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
integer  dim 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsName-value pair string containing options for matrix_in
dimWhich dimension to collapse. 1 means row wise, and 2 means column wise

◆ matrix_sum() [2/4]

float8 [] matrix_sum ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args 

◆ matrix_sum() [3/4]

text matrix_sum ( text  message)

◆ matrix_sum() [4/4]

text matrix_sum ( )

◆ matrix_trans() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_trans ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
matrix_inName of the table containing the input matrix
in_rowName of the column containing the row index for the input matrix
in_colName of the column containing the column index for the input matrix
in_valName of the column containing the matrix values for the input matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_trans() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_trans ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_trans() [3/4]

text matrix_trans ( text  message)

◆ matrix_trans() [4/4]

text matrix_trans ( )

◆ matrix_unblockize()

matrix_result matrix_unblockize ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 

◆ matrix_vec_mult() [1/3]

float8 [] matrix_vec_mult ( text  matrix_in,
text  in_args,
float8 []  vector 
matrix_inName of the table containing the matrix
in_argsName-value pair string containing options for matrix_in
vectorVector value used to be multiplied with matrix_in
Column vector which is the result of matrix_in * vector

◆ matrix_vec_mult() [2/3]

text matrix_vec_mult ( text  message)

◆ matrix_vec_mult() [3/3]

text matrix_vec_mult ( )

◆ matrix_zeros() [1/4]

matrix_result matrix_zeros ( integer  row_dim,
integer  col_dim,
text  matrix_out,
text  out_args 
row_idName of the column containing the row index for the zero matrix
col_idName of the column containing the column index for the zero matrix
matrix_outName of the table where to output the result matrix
Name of the table containing the result matrix

◆ matrix_zeros() [2/4]

matrix_result matrix_zeros ( integer  row_dim,
integer  col_dim,
text  matrix_out 

◆ matrix_zeros() [3/4]

text matrix_zeros ( text  message)

◆ matrix_zeros() [4/4]

text matrix_zeros ( )